Catalogue of best practices, conclusions and recommendations of the Santa Marta Second Hemispheric Encounter : National Mechanisms and Networks for Risk Reduction “Encounter of Santa Marta: From Theory to Practice”

The Context

The Catalogue of Best Practices, Conclusions and Recommendations of the 2010 Santa Marta Second Hemispheric Encounter: National Mechanisms And Networks For Risk Reduction “Encounter Of Santa Marta: From Theory To Practice”1 brings together those best practices in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) that representatives of the various types of involved institutions and organizations from the Western Hemisphere have presented in response to an invitation issued by the Government of Colombia, through the Ministry of the Interior and Justice and its Risk Management Directorate (DGR), the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS), through its Department of Sustainable Development (OAS/DSD), and the Secretariat of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), through its Regional Office for the Americas, UNISDR Americas – whom participated in the organization of the Santa Marta Encounter.